Taiwan Fu Hsing Invited as the Delegate of Sportive Enterprise by Taiwan iSports|Taiwan Fu Hsing Industrial Co., Ltd.

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Taiwan Fu Hsing Invited as the Delegate of Sportive Enterprise by Taiwan iSports

Aug 01 2019


Since the certificate of sportive enterprise was launched by the Sports Administration, Ministry of Education in 2016, Taiwan Fu Hsing has appeared on the list every year for its pro-sports ethos. For the same reason, Taiwan Fu Hsing is honored to be nominated among many businesses as the delegate of sportive enterprise for the publicity video of Taiwan iSports.


This video features a renowned Japanese influencer named IKU and depicts how he spent a day at a Taiwanese sportive enterprise. The video presents the quotidian working scene at Taiwan Fu Hsing and how sports are interwoven into the Company’s culture. In addition to a tour inside the Company and working with the salespeople, IKU joins the training session of Taiwan Fu Hsing’s softball team, checks out the fitness center, and chats with our employees about their love for workout. IKU is impressed with the active role played by a Taiwanese enterprise to encourage its employee to stay fit and enjoy workout.


Over 60 years since its foundation, working out has become part of the DNA of Taiwan Fu Hsing under the leadership of its president, general manager, and chiefs from each department. In terms of facilities, Taiwan Fu Hsing is equipped with an outdoor multifunctional playing field and a fitness center. As for the welfare system, we provide grants to encourage our employees to form sports clubs or go in for a match. On top of this, we hold cross-department ball games, bowling tournaments, shrimp fishing race, and other novelty races annually. The 60th anniversary of Taiwan Fu Hsing was celebrated with a 9-month sports carnival to get everyone involved in the active vibes. With our carefully designed programs and sports facilities, sports-loving is certainly the nature to Taiwan Fu Hsing.