Commitment to the Earth|Taiwan Fu Hsing Industrial Co., Ltd.

Commitment to the Earth

Meet the Environmental Protection Standard

From an environmental management perspective, we have stopped the use of toxic chemicals since 2011, and acquired permits based on air, water, and waste-related laws and regulations; and also controlled the pollution discharge to conform with the environmental protection standards.

Environmental Policy

In order to slow down the impact of climate change under global warming, we worked to strive for a perfect balance between business development and environmental protection. At the same time, we passed the ISO 14001 environment management system certification and proposed the following commitments.

  1. Ensure that an effective environment protection system, bring environment management, pollution prevention & control, and continuous improvement into effect, and reduce environmental impact.
  2. Strengthen the improvement of processes, control the operation of pollution preventive & control equipment, conduct regular inspections, and comply with the statutory and regulatory requirements.
  3. Energy conservation & carbon reduction, recycling & reuse, resource conservation, and pollution prevention & control.
  4. Enhance employee training, raise employee awareness of environmental protection, and fulfill the responsibility of environmental protection.



Air Pollution Prevention and Control

Degree of conformity with emission standards of stationary pollution source operating permit Compliant


Energy Conservation

Power saving rate of the year: 1.05%


Water Pollution Prevention and Control

Increase water reuse: 6.2%


Greenhouse Gas Inventory

Commission an independent verification by AFNOR

Energy Management

Energy Consumption

TTaiwan Fu Hsing monitors its energy usage annually and continues to optimize its efficiency. Energy consumption consists of electricity, natural gas and diesel fuel, and in 2023, electricity consumption was 46,942,560 megajoules, an increase of 1% over last year. However, with the implementation of energy-saving programs in the plants and the replacement of inefficient equipment, the reported electricity saving rate for the year was 1.05% in accordance with the Energy Administration Act, which was better than the government's requirement of 1%. Natural gas consumption was 196,273 megajoules, which is in line with the environmentally approved amount (91,800 m3/year, equivalent to 3,304,800 megajoules/year). Diesel consumption was 375,726 MJ, a significant increase over the previous year due to the increased frequency of use of diesel in company vehicles. The 2023 annual energy consumption was 47,514.559 GJ.

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Energy Conservation

Taiwan Fu Hsing duly implements strategies to reduce resource consumption and continues to enforce energy and carbon reduction measures. The projects executed in 2023 mainly revolved around equipment improvement, and the outcomes were as follows.

With regards to the purchase of green power, the "Regulations for the Management of Setting up Renewable Energy Power Generation Equipment of Power Users above a Certain Contract Capacity" requires all electricity users with more than 5,000 kW of contracted capacity to install renewable energy equipment, and given Taiwan Fu Hsing's contracted capacity of 3,205 kW, there has been no need to set up renewable energy equipment.

Air Pollution Prevention & Control

Taiwan Fu Hsing applies stringent control over particulate matters, nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx), and volatile organic compounds (VOC). All emission data was calculated in accordance with the Environmental Protection Administration's "SOx and NOx Emission Coefficient and Efficiency for Reporting of Air Pollution Control Charges by Public and Private Stationary Pollution Sources" after taking into consideration the production procedures and pollution sources associated with the industry. A third-party testing company has been engaged to conduct regular tests on whether the emissions conform with standards. Air pollutants discharged in 2023 were entirely below the government's emission standards.


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Greenhouse Gas Inventory

In addition to surveying greenhouse gas emissions on the organizational level, we also investigate the volumes of direct (Scope 1), indirect (Scope 2), and other indirect (Scope 3) emission in accordance with the latest version of ISO14064-1:2018, the requirements of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, and the Principles on Greenhouse Gas Survey and Registration stipulated by the Environmental Protection Administration, Executive Yuan, while using the emission coefficients published by the Bureau of Energy, Ministry of Economic Affairs. A validation statement for the above survey outcome is obtained from SGS. Total greenhouse gas emission in 2023 was reported at 48,700.029 tonnes/CO2e; the emissions included 4 greenhouse gases: CO2, CH4, N2O, and HFCs, and there was zero emission of PFCs, SF6, and NF3. Overall emission intensity was calculated at 5.367 tonnes/NTD million of revenue.

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Water Resource Management

Taiwan Fu Hsing cares about the water environment in the areas where our production bases are located. We have set goals to continually reduce the unit water usage. While planning for the use of water resources, we take into account government policies and company development to manage and allocate the use of water resources rationally and efficiently to proactively minimize the consumption of resources.

In 2023, the total water consumption of 45,180 tons has met the environment authority approved amount of 73,000 tons. In addition, we have promoted water conservation projects including recycle use of process cleaning water and recycle use of RO wastewater from 36 water dispensers. In 2023, the total amount of water recycled in the plant was 2,784 tons, which was higher than our pre-set goal of 2,567 tons.

Climate change exacerbates the crisis of unstable water resources, so water resources management is a top priority for enterprises to think carefully. In the future, we will continue our efforts to promote water conservation measures and process water recycling R&D and improvement.

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Water Pollution Prevention and Control

The process wastewater generated from the factories is delivered through the pipeline to the wastewater treatment equipment. Once the quality meets the wastewater discharge standard set forth in the government statutory and regulatory provisions, the treated wastewater is discharged to the Agongdian River Basin which eventually leads to the ocean. Once every half year, we entrust a certified inspection institution to test our wastewater quality and the test results have met the water quality standard set forth in current laws and regulations.

The Company makes half-yearly reports according to "Water Pollution Control Measures and Test Reporting Management Regulations." In 2023, the factories discharged 6,618 cubic meters of wastewater in total, which was within the level approved by the environmental protection authority (13,177 cubic meters/year).


Water Quality Test Results 

first half of the year / second half of the year
Standard in Current Laws and Regulations Compliance
water temperature(°C) 25.8 28.2 38 qualified
PH 7.2 7.4 6.0~9.0
SS (mg/L) 8.6 2.6 30
COD (mg/L) 41.2 19.9 100
Oil (mg/L) 2.7 ND 10

Solid Waste Management

Taiwan Fu Hsing takes "waste reduction at source and resource recovery" as the main direction of waste management, and promotes recycling and reuse through source management to replace waste generation, in order to reduce the harm to the environment and relatively reduce the cost of waste disposal. In 2023, 95.15% of the waste in the factory area has been utilized for resource recovery and reuse, and the remaining 4.85% has been transported and disposed by entrusted legal vendors according to the characteristics of the waste.

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Statistics of Waste Outputs

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Public Welfare of Environmental Protection

While placing the same value on environmental protection and industrial development, we not only take our corporate social responsibility seriously, but also engage our employees in environmental protection activities.

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Goodlock - Lock Replacement Porject

As a response to the United Nations sustainable development goal (SDG) on "Sustainable cities and communities," Taiwan Fu Hsing has chosen to associate its lock-making expertise with corporate social responsibilities through the introduction of "GoodLock," a charity program in which the Company replaces, maintains, and services door locks for all schools located in Kaohsiung City free of charge, so that children may have a safe and free environment to live and study in.
The program was officially launched at the end of 2021, and it made its first stop at Gangshan Shou Tian Elementary School located close to Taiwan Fu Hsing. With the help of more than ten volunteers, they replaced nearly one hundred locks at Shou Tian Elementary School with Taiwan Fu Hsing's proprietary Lock Master series, which not only eliminates the hassle of sorting through long chain of keys, but also enhances campus security to the benefit of nearly one thousand teachers and students.
With the help of Fu Hsing's expertise and resources, we look forward to seeing the students of Shou Tian Elementary School learn and grow in peace. From 2022 onwards, we plan to begin accepting lock-replacement requests from senior high schools and below in Kaohsiung, and exert corporate influence to the benefit of more teachers and students.